Looking for the romantic style
Especially on weekdays you can soon get slightly carelessly out of the closet. And there you go back to school, work or other obligations. As always in jeans, sneakers and […]
Never forget something more with these memory tricks
Where did I leave my keys again, and what was the name of that person I met yesterday again? Are these questions known for you? Then this article is very […]
Tips to read faster
Reading is something that the entrepreneurial Lifestyle NWS Lady has to do with every day. Of course it is essential to keep aware of the latest news, new investigations or […]
Where can you find most bacteria?
You soon think: On the toilet of course or in the dishcloth. But nothing is less true. There are plenty of places in the house where those nasty critters are […]
Tips against flu and cold
The annual flu season is in front of the door! And that is of course the last thing we are waiting for during the busiest period of the year. That […]